We first looked at the market landscape in the target geography to identify the potential markets fitting the characteristics of our client from the supply side. We started by identifying the top players in the industry across several geographical clusters and identifying prominent clusters to target by our client. This included both online food delivery aggregators and internet kitchens. We conducted interviews with employees working in the food tech industry for expert opinions. We also interviewed several delivery boys across various clusters to identify the unique characteristics of each cluster. Employees of third-party logistics firms were interviewed to identify key logistics players in the target city for potential tie-ups with the clients.
The second part of the analysis was to determine the demand side factors that would act as growth drivers for the client. We surveyed restaurant managers and owners for their inputs regarding the cuisine preferences in the clusters. With all the data in place, we were able to highlight to our clients the key food tech and internet kitchen players, and best practices employed by them in the city. Secondly, we were also able to profile customers across clusters and cuisines and highlight important clusters and cuisines to offer to the client. And lastly, we were able to come up with suggestions for third-party logistics firms to help the client establish themselves in the target city.
The client was able to use our findings to support the business idea in the food tech space. The analysis was critical in identifying important clusters and in-demand cuisines, helping the client to cater to customer needs better.