UAE consumers are growing more health conscious. Their behavior towards health-friendly options is becoming stronger, leading to more frequent choices of nutritious foods. This shift towards healthier lifestyles is creating a higher demand for plant-based meat alternatives and healthier food options. The trend also extends to the fast-food industry, where conscious indulgence is gaining traction. 

Notably, a new category of consumers known as flexitarians—non-vegetarians actively reducing their meat intake—is emerging. These individuals are more inclined to substitute traditional meat products with plant-based alternatives. For market players, this evolution in consumer behavior presents a lucrative opportunity.  

Local innovators like Switch Foods are leading the way in this new market opportunity. By investing and developing high-quality plant-based products that meet consumer expectations for taste and nutrition, players capture a significant share of this rapidly expanding market. 

Read on for further insights. 

1. UAE consumers want to reduce meat consumption due to its negative health impact 

In UAE, ~15% of consumers are looking to reduce their meat consumption due to health concerns. This trend is driven by the high-income, western-influenced population. Nearly 74% of these consumers cite health concerns as the primary motivation for reducing meat consumption. For players, this presents an opportunity to promote healthier meat alternatives. 

2. 1/3rd of the consumers are looking to substitute meat with plant-based meat, especially in fast food 

Substitute for Meat | Redserr Strategy Consultant

In UAE, 26% of consumers expressed a preference for replacing meat with plant-based alternatives. This trend is especially strong among health-conscious consumers who want to make healthier choices even when indulging in fast food, with >40% of consumers in UAE and KSA indicating this preference.  

Fast food chains and restaurants can hop on the health-conscious consumer bandwagon, by diversifying their menus to include plant-based options and staying ahead in the competitive market. 

3. This is resulting in a strong consumer shift towards eating healthy with flexitarian becoming a viable category 

Over 80% of consumers now prioritize food products that promote health and well-being, including those with reduced or low sugar content. The flexitarian category is emerging as a viable segment, with 41% of consumers identifying as flexitarians. This group, comprising mostly non-vegetarians who are reducing their meat intake, is driving demand for plant-based alternatives and healthier food options.  

4. This is resulting in a ~$500Mn plant-based meat market in the GCC 

Plant Based Meat Market | Redseer Strategy Consultant

The plant-based meat market in the GCC is expected to grow significantly, reaching approximately $500 million by 2030. This growth is driven by several factors: the meat market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 6% by 2030, increased awareness and brand efforts are boosting the percentage of the population willing to try plant-based options, and improvements in taste that expected to drive higher repeat purchases.  

For market players, this signifies a lucrative opportunity to invest in and develop plant-based products, ensuring they meet consumer expectations for taste and quality to capture a significant share of this rapidly expanding market. 


  • Sandeep is the Partner of Redseer Strategy Consultants looking at the Middle East and Africa. He has 13+ years of experience in consulting and technology.