Indonesia B2B trucking is ~$32 Bn in size currently and drives the majority of B2B transport market in the country

Published On: Sep 2019

Supply of trucks is significantly fragmented with low utilization rates

  • Fragmented B2B trucking market provides a clear opportunity for tech-driven aggregators
  • Low utilization rates- with up to 80% empty backhauls- solvable by tech players by connecting supply to demand

Tech-enabled trucking start-ups are currently nascent in scale…

  • Four major start-ups operating in the space, with scale currently being small
  • FMCG, retail and construction sectors targeted first which account for the majority of B2B trucking demand

Tech-enabled trucking likely to grow explosively banking on regional and sector expansion themes

  • The market is currently focused on a limited set of corporates largely in FMCG sector
  • The entry of new players imminent along with the growth of incumbents which will expand market across regions, sectors and clientele type



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